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Frightening Stuff:   The National Animal Identification System

The National Animal Identification System

Did you know about this?:

The owner of every single animal that can be eaten, can  produce food, or can be taken off the premises (as in riding a horse in a  parade) must:

1) register their "premises" --i.e. home at their  own expense, and permit GPS monitoring of their home

2) register each chicken, goat, pet lamb, horse, etc. at their own expense, and permit a GPS chip to be embedded in the animal  -- at their own expense

3) file federal paperwork every time they take any  animal off the registered premises for any reason

4) file annual paperwork on every animal -- on their own time and at their own expense

Failure to comply will result in fine and/or  imprisonment.  Large agribusiness firms do not have to comply. 

The chips are made by a privately owned company, which will profit from all this.  The computer monitoring of every person's home and  animals is to be done by a private firm, which will
profit from playing Big  Brother. All of this is to prevent the spread of disease and  prevent terrorism. Really. Yet, disease in the food industry is primarily spread by large agribusiness corporations, who are  exempt.

The sponsors of this legislation include huge multinational corporations responsible for  pesticides, genetic modifications, low nutritional content in your food and for  monocropping, mandatory use of sterile seeds, suppression of seed  saving, etc., etc., etc.

This is the gateway to controlling the dwindling food  supply. Chips for people cannot be far off.
Please check out these farmers' efforts to fight  it:

Oregon is already complying:

What possible good are Relocalization efforts in the face of this?

Where is the Rural Organizing Project?? !!

Who else can fight this??

Caren & Christopher
Titanic Lifeboat Academy 91868 
Youngs River Rd.Astoria, OR 97103  Tel: 503-325-6886 Fax: 503-325-8801Email: tlifeboatacademy charter net
For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.